Shipping and payment

Shipping costs
The shipping costs for the selected product in relation to the delivery country can be found in the information in checkout. The shipping costs for delivery within Germany are shown in the shopping cart, so there may be differences after you log in if the delivery is to go to another country.
The seller is responsible for the shipping costs and returns.

Shipping and delivery time
After receipt of payment, the items will be shipped as quickly as possible based on current availability. 
Delivery times may vary for production reasons even after receipt of the Change the order and thus delay the delivery time stated at the time of the order. We ask for your understanding in this case.

*There is no guarantee on delivery times. For more detailed information, please contact our customer service before placing your order.

Force majeure, strikes, technical changes or inability or lack of raw materials through no fault of ours or our suppliers extend the delivery time by the duration of the hindrance.

The seller is responsible for shipping costs and returns.